Who this article is for...
new team members (Onboarding)
existing team members
anyone who is interested in our Operating System
Note: This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, which could appear in the article once it is finished.
Collection (to create content of later)
our brain is a genius in making sense of things after they have been done
justifying why we did something
altering reality so it fits to what actually happened
- BEFORE: I intended to do 15 ...
- REALITY: I did 10
- AFTER: My brain remembers, I wanted to do just 10 anyways (= "forgets" that I committed to 15 before)GP is Guess Prognostic and RC is real consumption
Documentation = necessary to uncover those patterns
costs a lot of time in the beginning
gains come mostly later, after a longer period of time (recognizing patterns)
Why document actions?
clarity for others (transparency)
clarity for myself, where I can improve
part of action-documentation = documentation logbooks on the faq page
Example of documentation of daily actions:
π©β¬οΈ [PJ] Documentation of actions