🟩⬜ Deepweek Journals

Who this article is for...

  • Team members who want to refer to the deepweek journals

Google doc:

This document has the collection of the old teams threads:

Google doc - Deepweek journals

List of questions in the google doc:

  • [dwk 1] How do I find a way with Vashishsing that works well?

  • [dwk 2]How to include the people I don't want to have as much personal contact anymore?

  • [dwk 3] How to keep including new people in the team?

  • [dwk 4] How to increase synchronisation with Priya? + connection + mutual understanding?

  • [dwk 5] How do I see my role within the o4U-context?

  • [dwk 6] What time do I want to spend "for" o4U?

  • [dwk 7] How does o4U interact with the Upwork Team?: a) near future b) distant future

  • [dwk 8] How does o4U influence the current vision / projects?

  • [dwk 9] When will I send out "all" the messages?

  • [dwk 10] What will I need to get the mailing list going?

  • [dwk 11] How will the ongoing process-flow look like afterwards?

  • [dwk 12] How will I close open loops for people who are already in the list (waiting for the first mail) or waiting to be invited?

  • [dwk 13] When to get started?

  • [dwk 14] What are concrete things "I need" before sending out bulk-messages?

  • [dwk 15] How (& when) to "confront the big fish"?

  • [dwk 16] How to create full transparency about finances without spending too much time on it?

  • [dwk 17] How to get the Team going longerm even without concrete Projects?

  • [dwk 18] When to get more active about Int-A + PPF?

  • [dwk 19] Who to "confront" + "force to take a stand" regarding the projects? (+ when & How?)

  • [dwk 20] How to get started as soon as possible with a floor version (that would be sustainable longterm)?

  • [dwk 21] What are potential ways to find places, where I can stay / live for the next months / years?

  • [dwk 22] How to include the Team in helping me find that?

  • [dwk 23] How will a process-flow look like? (+ what needs to be done first?)

  • [dwk 24] What are alternatives, if I don't find a community? (+ How to communicate with Cass & Matt?)

  • [dwk 25] How does a concrete process-flow look like (incl. what we need for it)?

  • [dwk 26] How to deal with the situation, that Upwork-Team members "don't get that part"?

  • [dwk 27] "Who to involve in what part of the Outreaching? (Research + Prioritizing + sending + answering)"

  • [dwk 28] What are the concrete next steps, that are going to be taken, to reach out to at least 100 people within a week?

  • [dwk 29]How to close open loops as fast as possible with as little time-invest as possible, but still as good as possible?

  • [dwk 30] How to deepen the relationships with the people I want to deepen it with?

  • [dwk 31] "How to ""force"" people to a decision? -> step up & commitment vs. not now (but clarity on that)"

  • [dwk 32] Who Do I want to ask for their commitment?

  • [dwk 33] How to get clarity on the gaps? (content iOS + presentation of content)

  • [dwk 34] How to get it to a point where you can present it to others as soon as possible?

  • [dwk 35] How much time do I want to spend on it?

  • [dwk 36] "How to use that time as efficiently as possible? (Creating vs. implementing // Journal vs. Teams)"

  • [dwk 37] How Do I want to move forward with it in the near future?

  • [dwk 38] How to communicate that to JJ + Team?

  • [Unc] How to find (fitting) communites / people to live with in the near future?

  • [Unc] How to have as little online-time as possible, while still being synchronized as much as possible with the team?How to have as little online-time as possible, while still being synchronized as much as possible with the team?

  • [dwk 39] How to use the tagging in MS-TeamsHow to use the tagging in MS-Teams

  • [dwk 40] How will the one-time process flow look like?


English: Deep week, deep work, Jfk journals

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