🟩⬜ [PPF] What is your plan for taking people to the point where the PPF is intending to take them?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains voice memos explaining from the perspectives of creators and donors



Transcript of the memo linked above


I think the most important part is okay so we will start from where we are but we will have a clear milestone or a clear guiding star on where to move towards and this guiding star is basically the same for everyone and the ways there are totally different expression of being there and being your unique self is also completely different which means we might have this one mountain many paths idea but there will be kind of markers where you realize you're in the right direction moving in the right direction taking random examples is and i i could go a lot more into detail there and it might be worth to map that out in multiple different examples

Examples to realize they’re moving in the right direction:

  1. One for sure is your perspective on challenges, like your perspective on obstacles and challenges will shift dramatically from where you are right now where it kind of where it's scary and you want to avoid them towards moving towards challenges and problems and enjoying them and actually thriving on them rather than being afraid of them

  1. The second point is the people in your environment will naturally shift or change or basically you will attract different people in situations and let's start with the people in your life that are on a higher alignment where you feel like deeper connections and it's not a forced thing but it will happen naturally like that's the second marker of being on the right track 

  1. The third marker is your own decisions that you kind of will feel ease making decisions when you move towards this place from intuition and acting from your own deepest truth rather than from your mind or emotions then it will just get easier you will be faster making decisions, you will make better decisions at the same time so better decisions in less time, higher quality less quantity

  1. The next marker and again it's never about like perfection, there's never a line like a concrete marker all of those points are direction like more than before, better quality decisions than before in less amount of time and better in this case defines as you will feel this it's the right thing like afterwards you will not like less second guessing for example less feelings of judgment less feeling of blame towards yourself and others maybe that's the third marker you will take more responsibility your language will shift like you will use words that kind of represent the hundred percent responsibility you will take over your own life and it's not like others are not to blame but you will always first look inside yourself so the word β€œmust” basically will be almost gone completely from the vocabulary and at least the direction will be less or should or something like this. 

  1. It's like i want to i strive towards like acting out of inspiration rather than desperation which might be a next marker even that decisions are not made less and less and less at least in the moment of oh it feels bad like if you imagine a wave when you're on the bottom but rather when you're on the top out of clarity out of inspiration and then it might still be that you stop something but out of the knowing something else is the right thing that's calling you, rather than out of okay i don't like where i'm at right now and it's like okay i like where i'm at right now and i still stop it because i want/ i feel/ i see something. i have clarity i see on something else that's more aligned even than what i'm doing currently n

  1. Next marker or direction is this attracting of situations so you'll feel more and more like the universe is conspiring towards you like this feeling of oh this popped up just exactly at the right moment at the right time and this was like total luck and kind of the moments of luck and of this is too good to be real or too unlikely to be real, they will become the norm and then again you will meet more and more people at the right time, the right things you will see the right things at the right time you will read the right book at the right time listen to the right podcast at the right time and always feel like okay this was exactly what i was had needed right now and it feels like a coincidence but yeah kind of like a usual coincidence at one point and you're not surprised by them anymore which might be the next marker you're just like oh there it is again, here we are

  1. Next marker your physical health will improve and more like as partly because you work at it to get out your full potential and partly as a byproduct of getting out your full potential being more aligned means that also your physical health will naturally improve because you're kind of in the right frequency and then you will like your immune system has less stress but it's aligned and then it works better there's like tons of proof for that but you will one marker is your physical vitality will dramatically improve depending on how it is right now of course 

  1. Next marker the challenges you will face get bigger that seems paradoxical but the more you grow like life always presents you with the challenges that you are ready to face which means when you get bigger challenges you're ready to face more and they will get bigger not in a sense of this desperation challenges but those like kind of kind of where this god, the universe is giving you the sparring partner that you need to grow and which means it will get it just will get harder and harder to express yourself at the same time as it gets easier and easier because your perspective on challenges changes completely and you kind of want to confront them and face them as like in a sporting competition um but yeah kind of your sparring partner your opponent also gets stronger and this is a good marker that you're on the right path 

  1. Next marker goes in a similar direction is the ego gets more subtle so on this journey towards expressing your highest your true self rather than your false self which we could call the ego. In service to something greater there is no place for at least this definition of ego um that is kind of like egocentric only and which means the ego isn't completely gone but it will rather try to manipulate you in a more subtle way so basically once you have developed the capacity to act, let's say you get in a situation you feel what it's right and when you feel what it's the right thing to do you will actually do it like you have the wisdom we have the mastery the tools and maybe the community that holds you accountable and that's why you actually do those things then rather than the ego what it did before is like trying to convince you it's not the right thing blah blah blah blah it gets more subtle so it probably tries to even talk you out of getting into those situation where you could realize that this and this is the right thing whatever quitting your job so for example you know that out of this one conversation with this person it could be it could come out that quitting your job is the right thing and then you will do it and your ego will be so subtle if you're moving on in your development that it kind of maybe even tries to avoid this conversation in the first place because it knows once you're in the conversation the ego has no power anymore and so this getting more subtle of finding reasons why now is not the time to talk to that person or you can solve it yourself rather than talking to that person whatever it is it just gets basically subtler and subtler and subtler with the more you are aligned with your inner truth and intuition and so this is a reverse indicator a good marker of your development and the journey you're on

  1. Your relationship to your guide will change or basically one thing is your guide will challenge you more and more like it will get more subtler, more challenging and your guide will ask of you things he wouldn't have asked of you or challenged you with six months ago a year ago and that's basically again the sign of you're ready to face more and a sign that you're on the right track and 

  1. Other people relate to you in a different way so maybe more people will start questions like people will naturally come to you and ask you questions in your opinion and this will happen more and more over time and this is a marker as well as kind of compliment or they will tell you're like you're about your energy about your charisma your your authentic appearance or something like that like kind of people will feel the pull towards you energetically and will also mention this and of course never there's a not a concrete line but also a direction of it will happen more than it happens now and this is also a sign of being on the right track and also on the opposite more people will feel pushed away like there will be more resistance by people because they're showing more resistance to you because there's the saying of like once you start to fly high there will be other people trying to cut your wings because it makes them uncomfortable kind of being on the ground knowing subconsciously that they also could fly and so there will be at the same time more alignment and more resistance from other people and maybe sometimes even in the same person so all those things are markers that you're on a on a right track 

  1. The last thingyou will have more this feeling of kind of ah now i know it on a deeper level so basically things it's only reactivating your inner wisdom and things you already know but then there's a difference between knowing and embodying and you will have more and more this thing of okay i kind of knew it before but now i know it kind of on a deeper level on a different level and now i actually like speak out of the same thing i kind of before knew cognitively i now speak out of my heart out of my being out of my out of my deepest self and this will also happen more and  kind of those inside moments of now i know what it actually means like the thing i already knew before now i know what it actually means okay let's stop here and there will be many different versions to to frame that and many more examples but i think that's the that's a good start


So of course there is not this sense of a journey as for the creators themselves. The journey for the donor would be the first step is you trust so basically you inform and you engage with with the people who are in the people potential fund with the system, how it works and then you trust that this is actually something valuable for the world and that because of your trust you give and when you give like the next step is you coming back to this the point before you receive those updates like you actually see what's happening, how this is contributing the world and because you see that you can you kind of feel this deep sense of flourishing and of alignment of okay I'm doing something that's right and that's helping whatever not just me not just my kids but also my friends and like the larger community and the whole world and the nature and yeah you feel this deeper and more concrete like alignment because you can see the positive consequences of your actions and then probably you trust more it's like kind of a circle you trust more you want to give more you even want to tell other people about it because you tell other people about it you get more engaged in it and then you feel even more alignment and this is yeah kind of this maybe not a circle but it's even a spiral upwards with those kind of common steps within every spiral every circle 

🟩⬜ [PPF] Without the PPF, what obvious (but potentially ineffective) solutions have people already tried?



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