🟨🟨Questions & ideas on what to include on this site

Who this article is for

Anyone who is willing to give feedback

Thoughts to what will follow on this site:

  • how do you capture thoughts

  • How + why do you journal?

  • What do you do, if...

  • What does your daily routine look like?

  • Why...

  • how often...?

More ideas

  • book reviews & talk reviews

    • keywords + Video + ???

  • include other people

    • Elias for biohacking + etc.

    • Dave?


  • am besten per Alphabet

  • Links einfügen, sobald es gibt

Note: If you have any ideas, on what you would like to see here, don't hesitate to let us know. 🙌


English: ideas
Deutsch: Ideen

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