Who this article is for
Team members who lead a call
External people who are interested in how we structure calls
Default: Structuring calls
Beginning of calls (= intro)
(0️⃣) Music & dance party
1️⃣ Minute of Silence
➡ get grounded & present (no talking, no looking)
➡ Gratitude (?)
(*️⃣) Clear roles
◽ Facilitator + time-keeper (◽Movement-Timer + ◽ Default-End-time)
◽ Scribe + Checklist-Checker
◽ Start recording the meeting
2️⃣ Personal Check-In
➡ Option A = Free Speech time (1-3 mins, equal for everyone)
➡ Option B = Mini-Journaling
➡ Option C = ...
3️⃣ Vision-Refresher
➡ Why are we here together (= biggest picture)
4️⃣ Reminders
➡ Go with Flow + Follow the Friction
➡ 100% responsibility = Every One
➡ Not supposed to be easy
5️⃣ Intention of the Call
➡ What would be the best outcome of the next 30 - 90 mins?
➡ Clarifying responsibilities
Middle part
FAQ-Call (12.03.23)
◽ Find principles
→ Do we want people to see it when inserting the keyword? (Yes/No)
◽ German articles (all! -> except?)
depending on concrete context / goal / intention
➡ "go with the flow"
➡ "follow the friction"
Ending the meeting (= outro)
[6️⃣ Mini-Journal (20 sec): Anything left to talk about this call?]
7️⃣ Protocol (read main 3 categories out loud by scribe)
◽ main takeaways (Mini-Journal together?)
◽ commitments (+ ask for objections & additions)
◽ group decisions (+ ask for objections & additions)
(+ remind Scribe to save chat)
[8️⃣ personal Check-out]
9️⃣ Minute of Silence
🔟 Celebration
Today's music
embed here as facilitator
English: structure, facilitate, fascilitator, fascilitate, blueprint
Deutsch: Struktur