🟨⬜ [iOS] wording

Who this article is for...

  • new team members (Onboarding)

  • existing team members

  • anyone who is interested in our Operating System

Note: This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, which could appear in the article once it is finished.


Collection (to create content of later)

  • our thinking/beliefs/mindset is interconnected with the words we use.

    • if... we have a certain Mindset
      then... we (don't) use certain words

    • if... we (don't) use certain words
      then... we create certain beliefs/mindsets

  • If we truly want to create a learning mindset that is open & free, then we don't use certain words/terms + replace them with versions that serve us better


= will be corrected instantly

  • I must / have to / need to ... ["leave now"; "do this", ...]

    • you never must do anything

    • it's all a choice, it's all about priorities you set + the price you (don't) want to pay

    • every decision is accepted, but the wording is supposed to make clear that it was such (= a decision)

    • Alternatives:

      • "I want to"

      • "My priorities are ..."



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