🟨⬜ [iOS] 3 overarching Principles

Who this article is for...

  • new team members (Onboarding)

  • existing team members

  • anyone who is interested in our Operating System

Note: This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, which could appear in the article once it is finished.

Collection (to create content of later)

  • like the blood, flowing through every part of the body ( or organism)

  • combination of Frederic Laloux & Aaron Dignan
    = basically Frederic Laloux with Aaron Dignan's wording
    ▪️ self-management = answer to complexity Consciousness

  • 1) Purpose
    2) Wholeness
    3) Complexity Consciousness

  • Use Holon-Framework

    • 1) all parts of a bigger whole
      ▪️ playing role well (we're here to serve)
      ▪️ Understanding bigger picture + contributing

    • 2) individuals = wholes themselves
      ▪️ bring all facets in
      ▪️ celebrate individualities & diversities
      ▪️ Strengths, visions & dreams AND fears, faults & shadows

    • 3) interaction of all individual parts = super complex
      ▪️ can't control world / organism / Universe
      ▪️ complex vs. complicated

  • link to source
    + review of book / video / graphic / etc.



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