🟨⬜ [eCo] Evolutionary Community: Main Article ⭐⭐

Who is this article for...

  • Ansi, Mia, Elias, Laura, Manu, JFK & Co

  • people from BringTogether (or other platforms) that consider being part of our community

  • other people that are interested in how we move forward towards creating an own (evolutionary) community

What is an Evolutionary Community (eCo)?

It means we will create an community that truly functions as One Emerging Organism that is constantly changing & evolving (as everything in the Universe is), combining the advantages of living alone (or as a couple/family) with the advantages of living in a community.

At least that is the guiding star, the intention to move in that direction, knowing that it will never be perfect or "done". But if the intention, the guiding star not even elicits excitement, then how should the (always imperfect) reality even come close to something amazing?

Of course then (vision not enough, knowing how to move there -> skills, tools, consciousness, openness)

Internal Collection

  • living together

  • combining advantages living alone with advantages of living together (Yes AND)

  • Something that has not been done so far (at least as far as we know)
    -> last sentence?! = Überleitung zu WHY

  • not the goal, but the by-product = creating an example for others to follow

Why an "own" community?

Why don't you just join communities that already exist?

Well, as always the only true answer is this: Because it feels right to start an own.
The cognitive interpretation(s) of this Intuitive Sensing are the following:

(1) Story of Separation vs. Story of Interbeing

One way to look at all of our world's problems ("the meta crisis") is through the lense of (missing) true cooperation.

As we see ourselves as separate from each other ("Story of Separation") we look only for our own benefit, trying to maximize our own well-being (apparently!) even when it's at the expense of others, which led not only to the corporate greed, slavery & the exploitation of nature, but also to individualistic lifestyles, where we live in one-person-apartments.

When moving from the old paradigm to the new one ("Story of Interbeing"), we can't expect to make a transition as a world at large, while still living the same individualistic lives. We need to realize that we are interconnected (& interdependent) with all other things and that our highest unique expression of ourselves only exists within the context of others, within the context of community (which themselves are part of a larger organism & not separate from other communities)

It's not like we need more people joining the existing communities. It's that we need more (& more) communities itself!

(2) It does not exist yet

Of course, not all communities are created equal. You can create communities that still function almost completely out of the realm of Separation, not as One Organism, but just as a collection of individuals, a bunch of separated beings.
It might look similar at first glance (multiple people living together sharing one resource or another), but between those two lies a world of difference.

Real synergy, real interbeing is way more than just living together and sharing one space or having a community kitchen. It is even more than just actions. It's a way of life, a philosophy, a state of being.
It's the reality of the Universe that we can see if we take off our lenses of conditioning.

As Gandhi famously said about nonviolence ("it has no practical value if it can't be practiced in all areas of life") so too can be said about Cooperation & Interbeing that it must extend to all realms of communital living to be of lasting value. (Which does not mean, it must be already executed in perfection! But rather that this needs to be the intention, the guiding star to move toward.)

And of such a community, that can actually hold this (= the high vision & the current reality) I have not heard yet. Ever.

(3) Surviving vs. Flourishing

I have heard of communities that are supposedly "successful" & have been existing for a long time, even growing.

The important distinction though is, how we define success, which is mostly done by if the community survives or not. Which is again a world of a difference to truly flourishing, to truly living up to your (individually for every member & collectively as the community) full potential, to truly playing your role as well as possible in service to the larger picture.

It would be as if you define the life of a person as a success that has low levels of vitality, doesn't feel connected to it's peers & is almost depressed, just because that person gets to be 80 or 90 years old. Is that really what success looks like?

We might not realize it yet, but most communities are like that. They might survive but they're far from flourishing. And even further away from extending that flourishing to the people & communities around, outside its own circle.

(4) other (= internal collection)

  • let me know if you know one that can do it

    • super stoked to get to know them & cooperate

    • if they don't want to cooperate + create synergies than they're not at that level yet

  • being the example = by-product

How to create such a Community?

Now we get to the part where it's easy to get lost completely. Life is complex. And to try to present all the string that have an influence would now only take a while, but is simply impossible.

All Models are wrong. Some are helpful.

Knowing that words & concepts can never fully represent reality, it's still worth trying to get as close as possible. Not oversimplifying things in a way that they are not based in our (complex) reality anymore, but also not making things more complicated than necessary.

To add:
- 2nd level simplicity -> principles & values
- leading to (more) clarity (rather than knowing)

The following collection is my best try to inform clarity in a way that still does justice to reality.


F = Fundamental
M = Mastery

B = Bonus

[F1] Synchronizing on Worldview & Virtues

  • starting point

  • no one is forced, fine if it's no fit at that moment

  • without this common understanding problems everywhere else

  • golden seed AND imperfect

[F2] Inspiration vs. Desperation

[F3] iOS

  • communication! (Void is filled by negativity)

  • transparency

[M1] Intuition-Academy

[M2] Creating synergetic Flow (individual + group)

  • 10x more per person

  • 1000x more per community (cumulative)

[M3] Openness AND clear guiding star

  • guiding star that changes & evolves

[M5] Accountability

  • not forced but wanted (support)

  • konkrete Beispiele von mir (more likely to make Sport + etc. + etc.)

[B1] Intention vs. Perfection

[B2] Resources

[B3] Joyfulness

  • esp. regarding mastery

other (= internal collection)

Doubts, Concerns, Objections

(1) Won't work without rules/plans

  • that's why it will change the world

  • figuring out how it does work without fixed rules

    • everything that is fixed will break

    • cleaning the toilet

    • No one feels called = everybody's task

  • we have not figured that as humanity
    = great progress once we have

  • = keeping freedom + flow

(2) People are lazy + will take advantage

  • If that's your worldview, than this is not the place

(3) sounds nice, but is not practical

  • Charles Eisenstein + Transcendence + other quotes

  • "the impractical, the apparently unrealistic people are the one who change the world"

(4) many others are doing the same thing

  • they don't

  • saying vs. doing // living it in all areas

  • on the surface yes, but still out of the Story of Separation

    • give examples ("earning money to do good = feeding the machine in the 1st place)

    • no one figured out yet (High standards without becoming a cult)

() The challenges also add up cumulative

  • teilweise Nachteile nur Potential für Nachteile, teilweise unvermeidbar

  • geht nicht darum wegzuschauen, keine Nachteile zu haben, sondern dass Vorteile DEUTLICH überwiegen

  • Auseinandersetzung = chance to grow (wenn konstruktiv / Rahmen der von anderen gehalten werden kann)

  • Beispiele

    • Socken hinwerfen + nächstes Mal mitnehmen (geht wenn alleine, nicht wenn gemeinsam)

    • in Küche Sachen stehen lassen bis nächstes Mal

() I can't contribute / fully commit, as long as I don't believe that this will work to 100%

  • that's exactly the reason why we will change the world

  • because it's people figuring those questions out that still have doubts, that are imperfect, that are human

Ways to engage / support

  • (1) being part of it

  • (2) helping us to find a property

  • (3) financial support

  • or Connections to people that would support in those ways (1)-(3)

Next steps

⬜ Create Backlog
✅ Create Leute-Liste
✅ Create logbook

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