🟨🟨 [INT-A] WHAT should you be careful of when you start to follow your gut feeling

Who this article is for

  • members of intuition Academy

  • everyone who is interested in the topics of Intuition & gut feeling

This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, that could show up in the article once it is finished.

Collection (to create content of later)

  • Wanting to conclude from feeling from solution (Knowing that inconsistent vs. WHY inconsistent)

  • Derive action on false WHY

  • Just speculation

  • Gut feeling only gave the impulse to go in the direction, not to the end

  • Wedding vs. 1st date

  • Speaking out vs. insisting on an opinion

  • I have to stick with it, because it was my gut feeling to do it that way" = head

  • Truth once seen / felt gut feeling stretching too far (different situation / future)

  • Gut feeling didn't want to say anything about further steps



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