Who this article is for...
new team members (Onboarding)
existing team members
anyone who is interested in our Operating System
Note: This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, which could appear in the article once it is finished.
Collection (to create content of later)
helps us learn, because we can't just go with the motions when doing something
either we follow the Default
or we make conscious Default Deviation (CDD) which then informs everybody + gives the whole organization a chance to adapt the Default, so it's a better fit
"forces" (or nudges) us to get conscious/aware about our actions
= keystone for improvement in any areaevery CDD is an opportunity to improve our system
-> without Defaults, we have no CDD's, we have no improvingrefer to Default-collection
π¨β [internal] Default-Collection