🟨⬜ [iOS] Defaults

Who this article is for...

  • new team members (Onboarding)

  • existing team members

  • anyone who is interested in our Operating System

Note: This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, which could appear in the article once it is finished.

Collection (to create content of later)

  • helps us learn, because we can't just go with the motions when doing something

    • either we follow the Default

    • or we make conscious Default Deviation (CDD) which then informs everybody + gives the whole organization a chance to adapt the Default, so it's a better fit

  • "forces" (or nudges) us to get conscious/aware about our actions
    = keystone for improvement in any area

  • every CDD is an opportunity to improve our system
    -> without Defaults, we have no CDD's, we have no improving

  • refer to Default-collection

    🟨❌ [internal] Default-Collection



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