Who this article is for
Ansi + JFK
people who are interested in our process of creating an iOS
Operating System - Overview
If you wonder what iOS is, check out this article first:
The whole logbook with all documentation-articles can you find here:
Main take-aways (1-3)
concrete processes to make it tangible
approach from 2 directions
what is wanted
what is NOT wanted
dive deeper into Openness + differentiation (Transparency + Learning Mindset)
concrete Action steps (1-3)
Journals nachtragen (Ansi)
Journal about processes + etc.
Prozess testen (JFK Teams + Ansi Journal)
Default sammeln fΓΌr Meetings + Dokumentationt (unsere Treffen)
βπ¨ (iOS) Meeting Defaults 04.10.22 check last weeks "next steps"
Excel erstellen fΓΌr Fragen (JFK)
next team meeting
More detailed
video(s) about main takeaways
more text + explanation
extra articles linked (internal + external)
Voice-recording (1,5h)
00:30 Linne poops
08:30 (ca.) shared thoughts about Whiteboard (Journal JFK 04.10.22)
Process ideas Non Negotiables Thoughts JFK
Loom videos by other people with thoughts when reading this article