🟨⬜ [iOS] & o4U Journal Ansi 23.11.22

Who this article is for

  • Ansi + JFK

  • people who are interested in our process of creating an iOS

Operating System - Overview

If you wonder what iOS is, check out this article first:


The whole logbook with all documentation-articles can you find here:

Main Takeaways

  • wachsende Klarheit bestΓ€tigt meine aktuelle Rolle immer mehr

  • Offenheit + Discipline
    -> stay focused on myself & the process + using that grounded clarity to be open for other perspectives = power

  • Get in communication/confrontation mode

    • meine Klarheit transportieren und kommunizieren

    • andere damit konfrontieren, aber nicht gegen mich,sondern daimon gegen demon, confronting foolishness


  • upload of journal png does not work

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