🟩⬜ [PPF] Without the PPF, what obvious (but potentially ineffective) solutions have people already tried?

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  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains a voice memo explaining the question

Voice memo

Transcript of the memo linked above

Well a lot, for example tackling exactly those things of missing alignment by buying things, probably those people who are in it may be by already going their own way but going it alone rather than in community and also going it with a focus on a solution so they try think they know what a solution is and they're not open to all the other perspectives and then they're definitely missing a lot of things out that they actually need in order to become that servant to life in the sense and be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem, because if you do something good but you're still using the capitalist existence for example you're still putting oil into the machinery that is creating most of the problems and even those that you are fighting against directly and so this is kind of one of the things that those blind spots people trying solutions can affect them without realizing that they're contradicting their own cause and yeah so of course as there's no specific group of people there's also no specific solutions they have tried it have failed but this is like general points to it 

🟩⬜ [PPF] What’s the gap that the PPF is intending to fill?



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