🟨⬜ [iOS] Tracking lists overview

Who this article is for...

  • new team members (Onboarding)

  • existing team members

  • anyone who is interested in our Operating System

Note: This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, which could appear in the article once it is finished.

Collection (to create content of later)

  • link to all different Google-Sheets

  • WHY tracking?

    • what we tracks improves

    • brings attention to it

    • important to choose wisely

    • creates Transparency

  • Most important in iOS?

    • Defaults

    • Reminders / requests

    • learning (oti + 1,2,3)

  • Dangers?

    • tracking loses connection to purpose + becomes end in itself -> only valuable if actually serves bigger picture

    • tracking the wrong thing
      ▪️ wrong metric in itself (= money)
      ▪️ metric with unintended side-effect
      (= learning/optimizing that leads to less action, because I'm so focused on optimizing)

    • losing too much time for tracking itself
      ▪️ every time spent on something is not spent on another thing
      ▪️ important to keep in mind + observe as it unfolds
      ▪️ regularly reduce tracking to most important (80-20)
      ▪️ but also keep in mind how much time it saves via not measurable things (having more transparency -> clarity -> commitment // enabling big leaps of inviduals through enhanced self-reflection)



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