🟩⬜[PPF] What does sustainability mean to you for the PPF?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains a voice memo explaining sustainability

Voice memo

Transcript of the memo linked above

Sustainability for sure like the most important thing is sustainability. The question of what is supposed to be sustainable and if I define myself as me then it's a different answer to it and if you're going to define it as the small group you're in and then it's even different to define it as the potential fund and then when I define it as the whole humanity or the whole world. 

So the first thing with sustainability is to not narrowly define it as me or the people potential fund like the people potential fund is supposed to be an organism and every organism also potentially dies. 

So the best case would be the whole world is working in a way that doesn't need PPF because everyone is already giving and spreading love and taking care for everyone else and defining the whole world as some limited entity. And so let's say in a sick world, sustainability would mean that the people potential fund grows. It's not even staying the same it needs to evolve but in a healthy world it could mean that this kind of a flower which perishes and it's not needed anymore and then even this is sustainable when you look at it from a larger perspective.

That’s the first part in the second part is also not to limit it to a certain amount in time which kind of goes hand and hand with the definition of the self or the entity. So basically you will include everything that comes after as well and this means when you look at it from an ecological perspective it means having a system that is capable of surviving over a long period of time. So when you extract more out of the earth than you give in, this is just not sustainable and the same thing goes emotionally and financially and energetically of course as well.

⬜⬜ What is my 5 year vision for the PPF



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