🟩⬜ [PPF] What are some of the inner characteristics of the people interested in the PPF?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains a voice memo explaining the above question

Voice memo

Transcript of the memo linked above

Well everyone but in this sense it's more like those people might who might be also interesting for the people potential fund

So everyone has that problem but not everyone is ready to solve it within themselves because it starts within ourselves and this is also different from phase to phase from the PPF. You can kind of imagine in circles and right now it's a smaller circle and there's only kind of a few people with certain characteristics that are a fit and then later on it could be basically everyone in the whole world if like circle by circle it expands right now it will be those people who:

  1. Either have clarity on their purpose and that they would want to express but they don't do it for the reason, one part of the truth is only for financial reasons so they need to earn their food or get their food on the table earn their money for rent etc etc and then those people who say that they have kind of this financial problem but they have something deeper which is the limiting mindset towards money in this case so basically that either don't have money or at least think it's a limiting factor 

  2. It's either people that do already know/think they know what their purpose is or people that have no idea what their purpose is but they feel like a deep inner dissatisfaction with the current state of the world and they feel deep within them that they could do something even if they don't know what it is about and feel like this urge to going a different direction with our world, with our society

So that's definitely a characteristic that people already see that the old paradigm is breaking basically and that we are moving towards a new paradigm and then how clear you're all within this is can vary but this is a common denominator and other than that it's hard because it's intentionally open and wide open, as is one of the core virtues and it's decided by intuition so everyone who's in can bring someone else in which means as there's different kind of people like completely different kind of people that could be in because there's different kind of guides and then they bring in heroes and then they get to guide and bring in other heroes and then it's very more and more so diversity will happen naturally within the group without it needing to be forced but this makes it hard to share more at least other than what I shared before to kind of find common denominators because they could express completely different

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