🟨⬜ Food I use every week

Who this article is for...

  • me

  • people that host me


All that follows is constantly changing, so it's only for this particular point of time.

Breakfast (as of 01.01.23)

  • coconut milk / cream

  • Chia seeds

  • hazelnut-butter

  • (raw) coconut-butter

  • (raw) 100% chocolate

  • (roasted) almonds (or cashews)

  • coconut-Yoghurt

  • blueberries

Lunch / dinner

motto = lots of vegetables + added calories

The following list does NOT mean that I use all that within one week, but things I could have there in any week + usually would use (at last once) over 3-4 weeks.

(1) Vegetables

  • sweet potato / boniato

  • onion / cebolla

  • carrot / zanahoria

  • cucumber / pepino

  • zucchini / ???

  • broccoli / brΓ³coli

  • pumpkin / calabaza

  • Pepper

  • Parsley

  • any other vegetables & greens

(2) side dishes to add calories (or mixed within the veggies)

  • Lentils + Chickpeas + beans

  • Hummus

  • Oils (olive + avocado + coconut)

  • Coconut-milk

  • Pumpkin-seeds / -butter

  • Hemp-seeds / -butter

  • Feta-cheese

  • Nuts (walnuts + pecan + ...)

  • sunflower seeds

  • olives

  • avocado / aguacate



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