🟨⬜ [iOS] big picture overview

Who this article is for...

  • new team members (Onboarding)

  • existing team members

  • anyone who is interested in our Operating System

Note: This article is not finished yet!
You can read the collection of thoughts below, which could appear in the article once it is finished.

Collection (to create content of later)

  • see Whiteboard / Picture

  • Vision + Essentials (& Meta-Defaults) + 3 Principles + 3x3 Domains

  • place between Vision + Domains = individual expression of purpose ("Purpose Put in Projects" / "Vision in Wirkung")

  • theory -> practice
    ▪️ concrete actions for all theoretical principles
    ▪️ BUT: only valuable if they actually bring theory to life
    ▪️ need to support bigger picture / context

  • Vision not really part of iOS (different for everyone)
    ▪️ BUT: iOS only works in combination with "right" vision
    ▪️ right = serves bigger Purpose (not only self-interest)
    ▪️ needs to be worldcentric / kosmocentric
    ▪️ ego-centric vision will be unraveled & clash
    ▪️ especially with extreme transparency + Wholeness



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