🟨🟨 [mdg] Why do I feel this weird combination out of Inspiration & anxiety reading your donation invitation?

Who this article is for...

  • People who received a donation invitation & are interested in exploring it deeper

Note: This article is half-finished!
You will find a spoken answer to the question, but not yet a complete text that goes along with it.

Intro (to the article)

The Short Answer

Probably because it speaks to that part that can sense how a more beautiful world will look like & that “paying forward”, unconditional service is a big part of that, allowing this hidden part to come out of its hideout.

“DANGER!” will be the automatic reaction of the other part that has been conditioned over years & decades and longs for (static) security. Every change is a threat, expressing itself in a feeling of anxiousness. How could it be otherwise… 🙃

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    1. [will be included here once applicable]

Appendix (internal)

Improving this article (things to add/change in next iteration)



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