🟩⬜ [PPF] If the PPF is a bridge, from where to where do you take the people you seek to serve?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains a voice memo explaining the question

Voice memo

Transcript of the memo linked above

Basically we are not taking them, we are just being the bridge opening doors maybe having sign posts pointing in a different direction but they need to go their own way

So it's not about taking people from one side to the other but the bridges as an example basically from the old paradigm to the new paradigm, whatever the new paradigm means. 

It's not clear yet because it is about to emerge so by definition it can't be clear, there's certain aspects that will be in it for sure which is kind of giving rather than hoarding etc and community rather than solo and many many other things but it's about to emerge but definitely the old thing is the old paradigm and maybe having no purpose to having purpose in your life, having a low level of self mastery and self awareness to a high level of self mastery and self

 awareness as to name to example but there would be many more of course.

🟩⬜ [PPF] What are some of the inner characteristics of the people interested in the PPF?



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