🟩⬜ [PPF] What do people stand to lose if they ignore the problems the PPF is trying to solve?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains voice memos explaining answers from the perspective of creators and donors in the PPF



Transcript of the memo linked above


Well they lose a flourishing life they lose a meaningful life, the sense of purpose of being part of the solution rather than part of the problem they lose this kind of inner peace and deep inner joy of contributing to something larger and mixing it up basically with surface level joy but then yeah missing out on the deeper level joy they miss out on a self-aware life or a challenging life which then is fun, they miss out on the on the opportunity to change their perspective on challenges & fears, to love them rather than to hate them and then to have a lot of fear so basically they also miss out not a life without fears but with a different perspective on fears 

They miss out to grow like a flower that naturally wants to flourish and wants to grow like that's what would happen but that's what doesn't happen if you ignore this problem and then you're just being this “i don't know” flower that's stuck at one certain period of their development and doesn't move on and also certainly miss out deep level connections to other people because if i don't know myself deeply and if i'm not self-aware then i also this this basically caps the level of in which i can engage with other people and like connections with other people are one of the most valuable things we have like that flourishing and happiness and we will be not able to get deeper or even what we think is the deepest. The other way what we have right now we think is deep and we don't even realize how much deeper it can get and how much more nourishing like no actually nourishing like food um relationships could be if I get on this level and yeah that's all the things I miss out if I stay stuck in my problems especially in the circle of community I'm engaging and the level of self-awareness 


If they stand with this problem don't face it ignore it well the same thing is this not just good this deep feeling of I'm doing the right thing and I'm contributing to the larger puzzle and this like what nothing can buy so you will partly at least lose the true deepest sense of flourishing you can have or not gain in the sense 

🟩⬜ [PPF] If the PPF is a bridge, from where to where do you take the people you seek to serve?



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