🟩⬜ [PPF] How does the PPF make people's lives better?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains voice memos explaining answers for creators and donors

For creators

For donors

Transcript of the memo linked above


Well by the service itself, by making steps forwards on the way by being in this community in a way you feel more aligned, you feel more in contact with yourself, you feel more like having a sense of purpose, you feel more higher level of mastery and this all kind of gives you this inner peace, inner freedom and joy basically of life where you approach everything from this perspective of life is fun and life is a game and I want to live life rather than kind of a should and must and like heavy energy. So it's this light energy and all those things mentioned together. 


Well the service is basically the product ie the opportunity to support, that is our offer that is the service, like you can be part of something meaningful that you can contribute to the well-being of

 the whole where you are part of as well and this will actually create huge benefits for everyone and how does that make like your life's better if you're a donor - then it makes your life in this sense better as money doesn't make you happy but other things do, the question is what does and it is

 contributing to something larger and it's like a deeper amount of happiness and anyone who's contributing, anyone who's paying for anything like if you buy a vacation or a certain product if you buy a service in some sense you're looking for this to make me more happy. This makes my life better and this actually does way more and in way more sustainable and grounded and deep manner than probably 99% of the other things you can do 

And even for example for charity it's the same thing, why do you give money to charity what do you receive, you receive nothing but yes you receive something. You receive this deep sense of -

 okay I'm doing the right thing and a deep satisfaction and sometimes also this can be superficial to kind of buyout of other behavior and just to feel good even though you know you're actually not like doing the whole the right thing everywhere, but this is why you give to charities.

This is basically like a charity 10x so it's also 10x the feeling of I'm actually doing something good for the world and there is this deeper sense like nothing money can ever buy except in this case or in cases where it does buy it yeah I'll leave it with that for the moment 

🟩⬜ [PPF] If the PPF is a bridge, from where to where do you take the people you seek to serve?



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