🟩🟩 How to best use this FAQ-Tool ⭐⭐

Who this article is for

  • Anyone who is interested in navigating this FAQ better

Intro (to this article)

Oftentimes, we tend to jump right into the action, without taking a step back first, without creating a gap & reflecting on how to best get in action.
Sometimes that's the right way (to jump straight into), mostly it is not.

Without getting lost in preparation or perfectionism, you will find in this article some 80-20 tips on how to best use this whole Helpcenter/FAQ-tool.
So even if it takes 3 minutes, I recommend watching the short video below. 🙌

Spend the time now, save it later.

Summary (of the Video below)

  1. Understand the WHY
    ➡ What is it for?

  2. Understand the HOW
    ➡ Start now, add "on the go"
    ➡ Referrals & interlinking

  3. Understand the title-symbols
    ➡ to save time

  4. Use categories & keywords
    ➡ find what YOU are interested in

  5. Leave comments
    ➡ especially if you don't find something

Explained in a video

1️⃣ WHY

a) Openness (= Transparency) as main virtue

b) Make Information optional + accessible + searchable
➡ Friction as low as possible

c) for myself + team-members + everyone

2️⃣ HOW

a) Ready, fire, aim
➡ getting started over perfection
➡ complete on the go

b) referrals vs. completeness
➡ Miro-Board + Loom videos
➡ Blogs, Podcasts
➡ external sources

c) leave comments
➡ see 5️⃣

3️⃣ Symbols

You can find out if there is already content in an article by checking the symbols in the title.

Here is what they mean:

⬜ = No content yet at all (just the created page)
🟨 = collected thoughts, further referrals, or the like (but no finished Article yet)
🟩 = finished article

⭐ = important article

The first square is for the English version, the second sqare for the German one (as they sometimes differ).

4️⃣ Categories & key words

a) Start with overviews in Categories

b) live-Search for key-words

5️⃣ Leave Comments

a) let me know via Comment (no matter on which Article) if there was something you were looking for but didn't find.

b) We will either
➡ create a new article or
➡ add tags to existing articles, so you'll find the right one the next time with the same key-words

Back to the main page (or last page)

In case you opened this article in the same tab & it closed the last page. Three options:

a) Click "go back" in your Browser

b) go directly back to the Help-Center Starting Page using this link (https://intuition359.helpcenter.io)

c) go directly back to the temporary replacement of my personal website using this link: (https://intuition359.helpcenter.io/en/content/website-intuition359-com)

Appendix (internal)

further ideas to include in this article

  1. What if something doesn't work?

  2. Obstacles / challenges

    1. getting lost in many articles
      → categories main articles / overviews = anchors


  • English: FAQ

  • Deutsch:

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