🟩🟩 Let's go ⭐⭐

This Article is for

  • people that clicked on the confirmation link in the "Opt-In Mail" for my personal mailing list

What's next?

If you read this message, then you're officially signed up for the newsletter. Means: you will (ir)regularly receive updates from me about my life & projects. Usually in the form of a really short email that refers to an article like this which then includes more text + more references to other articles, videos & etc. πŸ‘Œ

At this point again the reminder from the P.S. of the welcome message:

Understanding the vision = understanding the newsletter(s)

In case you didn't follow the recommendations that time (= watching the vision video + exploring the FAQ-Tool), then you'll find below a collection of what could be interesting for you to know. πŸ™Œ

That could be interesting now...

  • Vision-Video (falls noch nicht angeschaut)

  • Collection of previous Newsletters (Sammlung bisheriger Newsletter)

  • FAQ-Tool (= SchlΓΌssel zu allen Infos)



Previous Newsletters (Sammlung bisheriger Newsletter)

As of Dec 31st 2022 there were no Newsletters sent yet.

Depending on when you read this you might have not missed any messages yet.

🟩🟩 collection of all Newsletters


If you want to go even deeper into my mind & heart, then this FAQ-Tool is the optimal place to be. πŸ‘Œ

Just type in any keywords in the search bar that you're interested in or use the different categories to navigate through.

I recommend starting with this article

🟩🟩 How to best use this FAQ-Tool 😍
to then be ready to go exploring in the most efficient way. πŸ™Œ


English: Newsletter,
Deutsch: Verteiler, Email, Newsletter

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