🟨⬜[internal] How to create FAQ articles

Who this article is for…

  • Team members that are creating or updating FAQ articles


Collection (to be included)

  • Headings

    • First Level Heading = Heading 1

    • Second Level Heading = Heading 4

  • Use of Divider-Lines

    • Two ahead of Level 1 headings

    • One ahead of level 4 headings

    • One after embedded videos if more text follow

  • Squares (beginning of title)

    • First square = English version // second = German version

    • 🟩 = finished article

    • ⬜ = empty article

    • 🟨 = in between

→ at least: some written notes so people that visit the article get some new information

→ up to: finished video, but no text around it, introducing it / leading up to it.

  • Stars (end of title)

    • ⭐ = add to category “important”

    • ⭐⭐ = add to “very important”

    • ⭐⭐⭐ = “super important”

  • Green & Blue boxes

    • If they include a heading, use heading 4

Useful shortcuts

# = heading 1

####= heading 4

> = quote

- - - = divider liner (without the spaces)

- = Bullet-points (also via Ctrl+⇧+8)

What’s next?


Improving this article (things to add in the next iteration)


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