🟩⬜ [PPF] What change do you want to create in the world by bringing the PPF to form?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains a voice memo explaining the question above

Voice memo

Transcript of the memo linked above

Basically the whole thing that is breaking paradigm everywhere would be this - how we deal with money and it's more in a flow rather than earning it for yourself, you will pass it on to others and you will feel or know deep down that that's the right thing and people that spend time within the PPF will do that more and more and other people that hear about it will also do that more and more so it will change our attitude in the world, our mindset towards giving away rather than hoarding and keeping it for yourself 

And then it will be helping to create awareness about communities that one of the most important parts to change your life in service to something greater because if you have the same people around you (or not the same but in a general direction maybe the same lighting star even though different expressions and individual ways) then this is the fastest way to be inspired and get energy and actually move forward on the way that you are expressing your greatest gifts so it is the awareness 

There are multiple more parts to it but I'm just mentioning one more to not just not be limited to one perspective to one way of doing things of development but to include the best out of all worlds. 

So the bonus one which is not 100% included here but it's intuition, the intuition academy which is making decisions based on intuition is something that our world needs individually and collectively we would call it resonance and individually I would at least call it intuition but the intuition academy is part of the people potential fund it's not a whole PPF itself but as this part of this particular will create this awareness of what feels right

🟩⬜ [PPF] What your vision for the PPF?



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