🟩⬜ [PPF] What is your vision for the PPF?

Who this article is for

  • People interested in knowing more about the PPF

  • Potential Co-Creators/beneficiaries/guides of the PPF


The following link contains a voice memo explaining the vision

Memo part 1

Transcript of the memo linked above

The vision of the people potential fund has multiple facets and probably the most important is that it's not as clearly definable as it would be nice to present it because it is something  that's constantly evolving, that is organic, that is adapting to the needs of the people. So there's more like principles than concrete things how it will look like. 

Those principles can be found in nature,  everywhere in the universe and they express in a more less concrete way. 

How I see the people potential fund is working is that over a long  time it's a self-sustaining organism that people want to contribute to (as well those that have benefited from it before and not just people from the β€œoutside”  even though there's of course no outside and inside anymore) and at the financial perspective of basically giving people a basic universal income is only to take away the excuse of not stepping into your purpose yourself and basically taking this excuse away to then actually get to work. Getting to work has three pillars: wisdom, mastery and community. 

Wisdom and mastery you already have so many different people talking about, it's more about getting the most important things together and helping people to find what's important for them and then adding those things that are missing yet for example: like topic intuition and the intuition academy. 

Community is basically holding each other accountable, best case even creating or finding and enabling people to start local areas and communities where it happens. But even if that happens still there's an additional kind of digital community and people holding each other accountable and inspiring each other etc etc. 

And then for this long term thing there's basically one common understanding: the goal would be that people that come into the PPF and spend time in it, there are three things that are happening: 

  1. You become more worthy of service and you can serve other people more which also will result in more financial flow back so you would earn more basically 

  2. You will need less because you will be more aware of what makes you happy and what doesn’t and especially you will not get into all of those replacements, vacations and stuff you buy to basically fill the inner hole because there is at least less of an inner hole 

  3. Basically the gap between what you earn and what you spend drastically goes towards what you earn so the third thing is that people that spend time in the PPF realise that one thing that actually makes them happy is supporting others in experiencing the same flourishing. So not only is there a gap between what you earn and what you spend what you need for yourself but you also want like intrinsically want to give it on pass it on to other people rather than keep it for yourself and hoard it and that's why it's basically in the long term you don't even need any financial output or input from β€œthe outside” but it's just self-sustaining thing. 

But again this part with the financial isn't the big part, it's only basically the entry door to then work on or work with the three main things: self-mastery, wisdom and community to get out the full potential in great service to the world.

🟩⬜ [PPF] Why the PPF?



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