🟩🟩 [E] Newsletter #1

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  • people on the mailing list

New Year, New Start, New(s)letter

16. January 2023
Vancouver City (& Comox, Vancouver Island)

It took me a while to get started with this personal Newsletter (sorry for that!), but what better (natural transition) moment than the Start of a New Year?

With the beginning of 2023, I commit to regularly sending those personal Updates about what's happening in my life. πŸ™Œ
No concrete schedule, but a much more frequent version, even if it's just super short or just a few pictures.

For the moment I will actually keep it short in fact, as my goal was just to get started without high friction (#behavior design 101). 😍

What's currently on my mind

If you want to know what's most present for me currently, then read this article I wrote on Dec 31:
Does it have to be so hard to serve the world with all your heart?


In it I share my 2023-motto + my current feelings about one of our biggest problems in today's world + how we could deal with it.

Have fun reading! πŸ™‚

What has happened in the last months...

I will share more about my latest experiences in the next Newsletters that are about to come to slowly catch up with what I missed.πŸ™‚

For the moment only a few links that might be interesting:

What's next?

(1) Regarding this newsletter

More will come. Pretty soon! And way more consistent than before!

(2) Regarding my life

I don't know! I still follow the flow and where my intuition leads me. All I could say right now would be the cognitive predictions of my mind.
Nice to go there from time to time (and I will share those thoughts as well in the future), but right now I just leave it with that. πŸ™‚

See you the next time,
Johannes 🀟



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