🟩⬜ One Organism Experiment - Joining in ⭐⭐

Who this article is for…

  • People who want to join in on the One Organism Experiment (L)

  • People who are interested (only deeper interest)


In this article, we clear the way for people who want to join our “One Organism Experiment”.
It’s a follow-up article to the “One Organism” Experiment - main article. So if you landed here directly, please go & read that first. We will wait exactly here. Promised! 🙂

Concrete steps to “clear the path”:
  1. Going deeper into the main parts of plant metaphor (big WHY + virtues + mottos + iOS)

  2. Going deeper into the concrete implementation of the experiment (Discord + first Defaults)

  3. Answering the Commitment Questions (if you feel ready to 🙌).

What is needed ↔ what is not

“But I’m not ready (yet) to fully trust others to 100%.”
“But I’m not able (yet) to always start with myself

“But I’m not ready (yet) to be open to every perspective”

Those might be some of the thoughts you can observe while moving on with this article & going deeper into what it means to act as One Organism.

That’s why before we start with the concrete deep dive, let’s address one important point straight up front: What it means to be ready.

Because it’s important to understand what it does NOT mean: Coming to a certain point of Mastery, crossing an objective line that enables you to take part in this experiment, reaching perfection.

Intention vs. Perfection

So you guessed it, it’s back to the topic of “Intention vs. Perfection”. 🙌

Yes, it’s a repetition. But it’s an important one. And I promise: It won’t be the last!

What it does mean to be ready is the true (!) intention to move in the direction. An intention so true, that you’re ready to commit to actually follow through with it. DESPITE all the obstacles & challenges that will inevitably come along because we’re objectively not “there” yet!

We’re not talking about being ready for truly living as One Organism with others. We’re talking about being ready for the EXPERIMENT to try.

More on WHY (= Sunlight)

What you “should” have clarity on after this section

  • What Synergy & Emergence is

  • What the benefits are of living as part of this Organism.

  • If this speaks to you / resonates


And I probably can’t stress enough how important it is…
Being connected to the big WHY matters. It is our plug into the unlimited resources of energy & inspiration that are available for everyone all of the time. It is what keeps us going when doubts arise on the surface level, what helps us move through obstacles & become stronger exactly because of them (#antifragility).

So this section is an invitation to go deeper, to really connect with the vision of this One Organism Experiment, to really make the vision your own, to give it your unique flavor, add the unique sound of your instrument. 

Of course, there is only one person who can know when it’s the right time to move on (don’t get lost in the vision either!) and when it’s still time to immerse yourself in it a bit deeper. That person is you.
So we trust your decision, no matter if you decide to continue with the other parts of this article straight away or if you spend some time here before you go on.

The recommendation here is clear though:

Go on only to the foundation when you truly feel the vision!

Here is what you will find in the deeper layers of this section:

The Abstract Triple

This abstract understanding of the world & the Universe is an important foundation for truly understanding the depth of the One Organism Experiment.

Three parts we will look at:
1) Worldview (ever-changing Universe + infinity + holons)
2) Humanview (golden at core, limiting layers around)
3) Synergy

Coming soon

The deeper links are not completely finished yet.
For the moment check out those three articles:
a) worldview

c) Synergy

The Concrete Vision: Acting as One

Once this synchronization is made, we’re ready to look at the One Organism in Action.
How it moves & breathes in general, and how this is expressed in concrete situations (we will include some random, “unnecessary specific” examples here).

Coming soon

This section is not created yet. It’s gonna be added soon. 🙌
For now, you can read the similar “Inner Circle FAQ” for some practical examples.

Click here to open in a new tab

Foundation #1: Virtues (= warmth + CO2)

What you “should” have clarity on after this section

  • What we mean by the single virtues

  • How they express in action

  • What behaviors are NOT aligned with the Virtues

Coming soon

This section is not quite ready yet.

We will include separate articles for each of the four main virtues.

For the moment, check out the Synergy FAQ article (if you haven’t already done so). It provides a rough overview & gives some good examples of the virtues in action.

🟩⬜ Synergetic Connections in Service to the World ⭐⭐⭐

Trust yourself

Go deeper where you feel either flow (“yay, I want to know more”) or resistance (“that I will not commit to”).

Resistance = no good to avoid. Will come up in the commitment section anyways

Flow = Intuition speaking

Foundation #2: Mottos, Guidelines & Models (= water)

What you “should” have clarity on after this section

  • Why it’s harder to commit to fluid things (like these mottos)

  • What our MVP mottos & guidelines are

  • How they are put into practical use

Mottos, guidelines & models are awesome tools to help us bring the infinite One Truth into practical application. But: They are only tools. And tools can be misused.

Keep in mind that all mottos you will come across in this section will only carry one dimension of the truth, not the whole truth. Holding it in dialectic with other truths that appear contradictory enables us to get a deeper understanding of Life, to have insights, to gain clarity.

As it is pretty easy to take single parts out of each motto/guideline/model and misinterpret them in a way that they are not aligned with Truth & universal principles anymore. It’s your responsibility to always listen between the lines, to tune your receiving devices for the deeper message, not the mere words, to listen to the signal, not to the noise. 

To make it easy to hold that in awareness, we will present all mottos in the deeper layers of this section like this:

  • Does mean…

  • Does not mean…

  • Practical example(s)

Let’s just take a look at one of the mottos presented like this:

Motto: “We don’t know what we don’t know”

Does mean:

  • The Universe is infinitely larger (& deeper) than we can grasp

  • We can’t even imagine the things that we can’t grasp

  • The Unknown Unknown by far exceeds everything we know

  • There is always room for learning.

  • We will never stop evolving

Does NOT mean:

  • We don’t know anything / have no access to Truth at all

  • Don’t speak your truth!

  • All perspectives are equal

Practical example:

  • If someone says “I know this for sure” or “I’m 100% sure this & that will happen” then we gently invite that person to adapt their language so it leaves space for the unknown (while still speaking his/her truth!).

In general, this section is a bit more fluid than other parts (remember what this section represents in our metaphor: water). New mottos & guidelines will constantly be added, existing ones will be refined, and some of them will be let go completely. So don’t hold this section too tight!

Yet: That doesn’t mean there is less commitment needed for the mottos.
On the contrary! Committing to something dynamic might require an even higher level of commitment.
It’s easy to fully grasp & grip something with your full force and really hold on to it. It’s way harder to truly hold something and still give it room to breathe, space to change & evolve.

Holding water in your hand

Imagine holding water in your hand. If you hold it too tightly & form your hand into a fist, not much water will be left. If you hold it too loosely, spreading your fingers apart, there will also be almost no water left.

Please go through the mottos to see if they resonate with you.

[1-O] Mottos & Guidelines - One-Organism Experiment

Foundation #3: iOS (= soil)

What you “should” have clarity on after this section

  • What complexity consciousness means in theory & practice

  • How the 4 essential components interact with each other

  • That the Defaults are the essential feature of this experiment & why they are

Coming soon

This section is not quite ready yet.

We will include separate articles for the main principles in the concrete context of this One Organism Experiment

For the moment, check out this
article on the 4 essential components

Action #1: Discord-Server (= space)

What you “should” have clarity on after this section

  • Why we chose Discord over other digital platforms

  • Where you…

  • How you

Coming soon

This section is not ready (at all) yet.

In-Action #2: first Defaults (= nutrients)

What you “should” have clarity on after this section

  • Why we start with the communication Defaults first

  • What the main communication Defaults are

Coming soon

This section is not ready (at all) yet.

We will include our normal starting defaults here that focus all around the topic of communication (& transparency) and provide us with a “running start” in this experiment. 🙌

Intention vs. Perfection

Reminder on what’s necessary & what is not.

Wherever you are, it works! (If commitment & intention is there)

In-Action #3: Pledging your commitment (= become a pollinator)

What you “should” have clarity on after this section

  • If you want to join this experiment at this moment in time or not

  • Where you feel blockages

Coming soon

This section is not ready (at all) yet.

In a few days, you will find the link to a questionnaire here (or multiples) that presents you with all the commitment questions that “have to” be answered in order to become part of the One Organism Experiment.


  • If it’s for you / if you’re ready

  • No problem -> experimentality -> nothing bad can happen

    • Worst case = learnings for all

  • BUT: Only able to find out with full commitment

    • Trust the organism that you will gently be sorted out if not the right time

    • it will sort itself out

    • No need to take work away by not committing in the first place just because of fear

What’s next?

  • If you’re ready to commit…

  • If not…


Improving this article (things to add in the next iteration)


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