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One Click left

With the submission of this form, you are NOT YET added to the final mailing list.

In European Law, we have the so-called "double-opt-in" procedure, which means that you have received another confirmation link via email, that you "need to" click.


If you don't click on this confirmation link in the Email, then you won't receive any messages & Updates from me.

A (preliminary) Hello

Hey you [fill in your own name 😀],

Nice, you're (almost) in! 😍

It delights me to have you on board following my personal Journey & I'm super excited about what's going to happen in the next months, years & decades if we truly come together as those people that want to make a positive difference & contribute their unique gifts to something that's (way) bigger than ourselves! 😍

If there is only one advantage of the light over the dark, then it is cooperation.

I'm committed to playing my role well to inspire others (that includes you!) to express their (your!) most authentic self in service to the world. Thanks for giving me the gift of receiving (the inspiration). 🙌

Let's change the world,
Johannes 🤟

Understanding the vision = understanding the Newsletter(s)
→ Check out the vision video below & further remarks about this FAQ-article to get the most out of all this. :)

The Vision Video



If you want to go even deeper into my mind & heart, then this FAQ-Tool is the optimal place to be. 👌

Just type in any keywords in the search bar that you're interested in or use the different categories to navigate through.

I recommend starting with this article

🟩🟩 How to best use this FAQ-Tool 😍
to then be ready to go exploring in the most efficient way. 🙌


English: Newsletter,
Deutsch: Verteiler, Email, Newsletter

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